Legacy Kids Submission Guidelines

Below you will find different creative elements that you can use as inspiration for your submission to Volume III of Legacy Kids Magazine: Special Family Edition, which is scheduled to release in late-spring/early-summer 2022.
Here at Legacy Kids, we understand the importance of sharing. We feel that sometimes, topics need to be explored by more than just kids to be understood by everyone.
For Volume III we’re excited to open up the submissions to the whole family! By doing this, we hope to facilitate and encourage collaboration within the family, between parents and children, sisters and brothers, and grandparents, aunts/uncles, or cousins. We want to combine the magazine to include articles for adults and children alike for the first time.
This edition will focus on the idea of leaving, grieving, and growing.
We know these are topics all military families can relate to. We also know that leaving means more than just deploying. It is a movement, a transition, a change in the way our surroundings look, and a change in the way we look. Leaving in the military has changes, lessons learned, and its own silver linings. We have seen that movement leads to new journeys and creates some of the best tales. Let’s talk about these topics and help bring them to life through writing, art, design, and illustration. Get creative with your family!
What can you say about leaving within the military?
What can you say about the idea of physically moving? What about the mental components of moving?
Who do you lean on in these seasons of transition? Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins?
How do you maintain the wellbeing of your family and restore a sense of homeostasis?
What happens when a family member leaves, or the dynamics of a family change and new family members are added?
Do you have experience within a separated, divided, or blended family? What have these experiences taught you?
Grief is a common experience for military families. Do you have experiences with the grief of deployment or loss?
Why is it essential to hold space for these experiences and process them as a family?
With each departure, there is an eventual arrival. What have you found waiting for you?
What do soldiers do when they are gone? Where do they go?
Do you have advice about leaving, grieving, and growing for someone new to being a military kid?
Remember to think outside the box and remember to collaborate with your family. We will need designers for kid activities, as well as adult ones!
Submissions for review can include but are not limited to personal narratives, short fictional stories, poetry, comics, illustrations, watercolor, oil paintings, calligraphy, and photography. Submission proposals can include military children and adults alike – focusing on the family and their ideas and experiences with leaving, grieving, and growing. Please send submissions to submissions@legacymagazine.org by March 1st, 2022.
Send a paragraph highlighting the genre and topic of your piece. Include how it relates to life in the military and how it could help others. If you have a completed piece, you may send the piece finished in its entirety.
Please email proposals to submissions@legacymagazine.org by March 1st.
Activity Content
If you are submitting comics, jokes & riddles, recipes, and craft projects, please provide them completed in their entirety. You may submit more than one idea if you have several topics in mind.
Please email proposals to submissions@legacymagazine.org by March 1st, 2022.
We are looking for designers to help us create beautiful pages as well as activities for kids (mazes, crosswords) If interested, we would love to see a sample of your work.
Please email proposals to submissions@legacymagazine.org by March 1st, 2022.
We are looking for designers to help us create mazes and crossword puzzles. If interested, we would love to see a sample of your work.
Please email proposals to submissions@legacymagazine.org by May 30, 2020.
Interviews - If you're photographing one of the magazines interviewees, please review the synopsis of their interview before the start of the shoot. This will help provide a general framework. Each layout generally features 3-8 visuals.
Portraits - Please include images that capture the personality of the individual and the progression of the interview.
Detail Shots - Please include a few images from the session that capture the environment and details without the model in the frame (i.e., books, workspace, scenery, location, home, coffee shop, farmers market, etc.)
Attire - The volume is scheduled to release in the late-spring/early-summer of 2022, so please have the model or child dress appropriately, in bright, vibrant colors or colors that are complimentary of the theme colors.
Please email proposals to submissions@legacymagazine.org by March 1st, 2022.